Waste Chemical Management

Some chemicals suppliers request drum cleaning for return. SPM can realize tools that perform in total safety and automatically the drum cleaning rinsing with water or other chemicals.SPM realizes equipment to stock exhausted chemicals following safety and ambient regulations.

Waste chemical recovery systems can be realized in different versions according to customer needs and chemical type. For solvents we normally adopt stainless steel materials according with safety rules in term of anti-fire protection. With Acids-Bases we use specific corrosion resistant plastics materials (also FM4882 Approved). In both cases we use just high performance materials that guaranteed no chemical contamination or degradation, safety and long equipment lifetime.

SPM wste chemical recovery systems can be realized in order to stock exhausted solutions into into 1000 liters IBC containers, 200 liters drums, canisters with different capacity or fixed tanks.

Basic system is composed with a drum provided with level sensors and a pneumatic valve that closes in case of high level reached.

Waste chemicals recovery equipments



Waste chemicals recovery equipments


Waste chemicals recovery equipments

Research Centers / Labs

Waste chemicals recovery equipments


Waste chemicals recovery equipments


Waste chemicals recovery equipments